23 February 2013

I forgot to talk about one aspect of the run for the Board of Directors that I am not looking forward to one bit.  On 23 August of 2010, I wrote a long blog about about a cranky old man who was giving me grief about my roof garden. Guess who is running for the Board? Thought you might want to check him out.  He hasn't improved with the years but he has managed to get quite a following by quoting lots of figures and folder-all from his time as an Army Missile contractor. Now I would call him the "Crazy F*^k".

Oh, and my garden on the west end?  VP, the Queen Bee, of the Board, another candidate, had it hauled off as being an obstruction in the dead of night and wouldn't allow the management to tell me where it was for 2 months.  All the apple trees and blueberries died and I have never gotten my trellises back.  She used the removal of that garden as an excuse to dismantle a lovely garden that had been assembled on the empty roof of the 510 Building and now the only people farming on the roof are the Queen Bee and "CF"

To see the original posting go back to the date above or copy and paste the address below.  Someday I will figure out how to do a link. maybe I did!


Now I really have to do my flyers for tomorrow

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