31 August 2010

Why are all Washington Men Liars?

Why are all men in Washington liars?  Is it part of the cult of personality or is it something in the water?  I personally know men who have come here who came as decent honorable men but after working here in the atmosphere have been overtaken by the lying bug.  It starts slow and about little things like missing the train or forgetting they had taken lunch so they had to eat out.  Then it begins to escalate to things like, "I told you I wasn't going to have a vacation this year."  The worst is when you are doing business or negotiating with a Washingtonian man.  You think you have a deal that includes the parking space grandfathered in on a handshake and you get to the settlement table and get the old "No, we never discussed that."

It has even carried over to machines.  Yesterday I was called by a computer to do a survey about the upcoming election.  At one point I was told I would be able to make comments at the end of the survey and not to worry if in the multiple choice section, my answers were not perfect.  Guess what?  The computer lied.  Programed by a man and of course, narrated by a man.  No chance to comment and several answers left very ambiguous.  Like "where did your children attend school? 1.Public School 2. Private School 3. Charter School 4 Other." There was no provision to be able to say a combination or homeschooling or talk about the fact that DC has no program for high school IEP's for college bound kids with learning disabilities and you have to sue them to get them to pay for private tuition to send your child to a school that will prepare him for a life not flipping burgers or selling dope. Because they are all liars.

I won't even go into management at my building....


  1. Yup....men and lying in Washington are synonymous with probably 95% of the male population.

    Liars, IMO, are the worst. It's devious, it keeps perpetuating itself, victims of it start second guessing what's true and what's not.

    Castration might be one way for men to stop lying. Any other ideas?

  2. Don't you think castration is a bit harsh? It would kind of take the fun out of life as well.

  3. I suppose....though I can think of many Men (all) who would think twice before lying :)
