13 December 2010

I have been a bad girl

I have been a bad girl so I am not looking for any presents from Santa.  I haven't been blogging and I haven't felt the least bit guilty.  I have been out there living life and getting through each day as it comes.  There have been some fantastic ones and some really terrible ones but we are all still here.  Well, nearly everyone is.

Elizabeth Edwards has lost her battle with cancer.  She has long been a role model for me in how she has gone on picking up the pieces of her life after each time she has been knocked down.  She was the true power behind the politician and glue that held that family together.  I'm sure she has stayed alive by sheer will for this long.  I know there are those that thought because she was strong willed and may have shown her temper on occasion, that it somehow diminished her life.  In my estimation, it did not.  It made me admire her more.  She gave up everything for John Edwards.  She bought into his dream and all she asked was that he stay true to their family and dream.  He couldn't even do that. My heart breaks for their children with a father like that. (No, I won't talk about the scum sucking, etc. things that I feel about him.) This is a tribute to one of us.  Those of us who stay and try to live the dream until we have it thrown back into our faces just one too many times.

Speaking of which, my son and his lovely fiancée are getting married in a lovely destination wedding on 30 December 2010. I still believe in true love and family.  I just think that it takes work and a lot of outside counseling.  After all my parents have been married for 59 years and they love each other deeply and without reserve. I know there is someone, somewhere like that for me.  I just wish I could find him before I dry up into a prune.

I have been plagued by learning to use my new and improved phone.  I was supposed to be able to blog, write emails, post pictures, post to facebook and twitter and text more easily.  I have so far gotten the texting down and can retrieve emails.  The blogging and other interactive things are beyond me. Maybe after the wedding when I have more time to figure it out. I just feel so stupid that everyone else knows how to do these things and I can't figure it out.

Meeting of ANC tonight so I need to get going.  Last one with the defeated and retiring commissioners.

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