15 July 2011

Speaker Boehner working to solve financial crisis?

Last night I went over to the only place in Southwest DC where you can get a drink and dinner on the water, Cantina Marina.  It is a lovely neighborhood place where a everyone gathers and bring dogs, kids, and parents to socialize, eat, and unwind.  All types come there and when you walk down that ramp, rank and fame are usually left behind.  Last night all of that was blown out of the water.

About 8:45, the manager of the Gangplank marina and his assistant came in and said that Speaker Boehner was on his way.  No big deal, he came often when a certain bartender was on duty and sat down with the rest of us around the big square bar.  I thought it was kind of odd he would be coming last night when all the leaders were supposed to be working day and night on the debt ceiling.  Then it turned out that it was not just the Speaker on his way.  It was a whole boatload (literally) who docked on the Celebrity after nearly running into the crowded dining deck.   In the meantime, a couple of secret service looking guys came in a swept the place looking very official.

 Then all of a sudden it was just crazy.  Everyone who had been upstairs were told they had to vacate immediately, even if they were in the middle of a meal. They started coming down and were trying to get a table or space at the bar and service.  Then crowds of people started coming in off the boat and down the ramp.  They were mostly old goats and youngish girls and where shown upstairs.  At some point, Boehner arrived surrounded by a phalanx of suited men and a couple of women.  The guards then withdrew to the front of the building.  After the crowd arrived, no one downstairs could get service to save their souls until everyone upstairs had been fully covered. The staff at Cantina did yeoman service to try and cover the influx of people and the now less than satisfied regulars.

To add insult to injury, when I left about 45 minutes later, out front there was his large SUV suburban parked blocking the handicapped access from the restaurant.  The engine had obviously been running the entire time because there was quite a puddle of water from the condenser. The six goons just laughed when asked to turn off the motor.  "The no idling law does not apply to the Speaker of the House," I was told.

So I guess, it was bad enough that they played that little baseball game last night. I guess the reason they couldn't make it to meetings this morning with the President is because they all had heavy heads from their big party last night after the game.  I live right above Cantina.  They were there well past midnight. The speaker is really taking things seriously.  He really takes DC law seriously. Maybe he was just prematurely celebrating what he is anticipating to be a victory.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. It only reaffirms my disgust for the party of "No."
