15 February 2017

Been a long time

Am I Still A Blogger?

Can I still be considered a Blogger if I haven't posted anything for over 2 years? I have written things but I haven'y posted anything. I have been busy on twitter and Facebook but haven't made the commitment to sit down and write about a single subject since last April. 

I have been busy with my life but that really isn't the reason. I have lost my nerve and confidence because of a number of incidences. Maybe I have just gotten older and more circumspect. I don't know. Actually the whole world is upside down now. I think everyone has taken a step back and is wondering what is up.

In my case, someone who I thought was gone from my life forever, reappeared and has been a real and important presence in my everyday existence. I suddenly have had to literally make room for another person in my tidy little space. Everything is upside down but gloriously happy. I wouldn't have made it through the challenges  of the last year without his help. We help each other and have no illusions that life is perfect but that having a helping hand always makes a task easier. I have had health and other problems and they continue. 

Trump was elected and now we have a liar in the White House. It parallels my life where lies have played a huge part in putting me in an precarious position. Not my lies but the kind of lies I have fought my entire life. The kind of pernicious lies by people who have no conscience and lie as easily as they breathe. There is no defense against them unless you have hard evidence like a tape or eye witness or picture. 

I was like every kid. I used to lie. Then when I was 12 I found out my parents had lied to me about my brother. I adored my older brother. I found out by accident when I was 12 that he was not my full brother. My Dad had adopted him before I was born because my Mom had him before they met. He had not always had the same last name and that is why his talking books came to a different last name. That is why my mother always hid them in the closet and never brought out the cases they came in. I was devastated when they told me the truth. I swore then that the truth would be my beacon from then on. I have worked very hard since then to tell the truth, even when it was hurtful.

Telling the truth has put me in some very, very difficult positions. I am in perhaps the most difficult position in my life because of the truth right now. I have a cacophony of people around me trying to get me to recant and change my story but the truth can't be changed or spun. It is the truth. 

There are those who say that my truth may not be fact. To those people I say, that is why I pray to God every night to make my mind clear and my memory good.