27 March 2015

Fawning Sycophant or Disruptive Behavior?

What are we coming to when dissenting discourse is seen as being disruptive behavior in a group setting? Have we become the go along society that values the even keel over the truth and doing what is best for the community and the people that will follow us on this planet? Do we always have to accept every pronouncement from on high without question no matter how ludicrous or disruptive to our way of life? Are we to allow those who are new to the community and have no historical knowledge, but may have come to a position of power, to bulldoze those parts that we revere and that have worked well for us all in the name of progress? What happened to "past is prologue?" What happened to knowledge of bylaws, house rules and natural law? What happened to healthy debate?

For one thing, debate is no longer taught in schools. If the Continental Congress were held today, there would be no debate. They would all withdraw to their hotel rooms and refuse to talk to one another. Questioning is considered rude and for God's sake don't ever speak out of turn in a meeting. There is no such thing as brainstorming. Every meeting is run by strict Robert's Rules of Order, or what people say is Robert's Rules of Order because few people have actually studied the actual rules. Life must be lived by Parliamentary Procedure. Why must there be so many rules? Is it because everyone is autistic? Or maybe no one was taught manners as a child so now the rules must make up for it. Maybe they have been CEO's for so long that they are used to having their fawning sycophants hang on their every word. Sorry people, I am a real person and behavior like that only happens in Washington, DC.